Development > Artwork

Some alien beasts (alien ghost + ... )

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I changed a little this topic tittle so I can show eventually here new ideas. If in your opinion they were impossible to realize for any reasons just let me know.


I'm still discovering slowly this very refined game. While I'm doing some very little first steps in various directions, sometimes a point calls my attention... What I translate into some sketches... I can't say if I will go further or not for the moment due to the technical gap. Moreover I generally dont know if it would be of any interest. But in the present case after doing some basical sketch I discovered with surprise that the idea was already on the starters, so it should be of interest !

The alien beast I called ghost is really close to the psi-amplifier. For some reasons I was not alone to think about such an unit. Whatever there remains differences in the way my ghost should work compared to the psi-amplifier. First of all the artwork design. Here is mine ... ( may it show what no to do at least :) )

Alien Ghost artwork

Then comes the way it works. Apparently the Psi-amplifier should be a weak unit, almost gazeous, with no offensive powers. At this point, this is exactly the same support unit as mine.

Anyway if I understood well, the Psi-amplifier is a 0/1 unit. I mean, 0, it is alive, there is a bonus over the whole alien team. 1, it is dead, the bonus vanishes. Ok, my ghost is also bonus-binary, but it doesn't work about psi-power and there is a range of effect. The ghost is a healer. He is providing energy refeed to any hurt alien located close enought , and it reacts by the reaction fire mechanism.

But there is something more. When the ghost comes attacked, he can give a regroup order to any aliens falling under his effect-range.

To make it clear, I took a battlescape case that I pictured (you can see that aliens need a cask to be linked with the ghost):

Alien Ghost - battlescape case 1/3

Alien Ghost - battlescape case 2/3

Alien Ghost - battlescape case 3/3

Ok, I hope it can be of any interest.

You should add your idea in brief and without pictures to the discussion page of our Alien Bestiary.


--- Quote from: H-Hour on December 08, 2012, 05:42:30 pm ---You should add your idea in brief and without pictures to the discussion page of our Alien Bestiary.

--- End quote ---
Thanks, I will.
Did you notice this already existing page -> ?

What about a jumper-spider unit ?

It is not really for the tactical enrichment, but to increase the fear level. Effectively not to know if an enemy will jump at you from any direction is very intrigating. It is approximatively as when you see a grenade falling at a soldier's feet, but with the difference that you get a chance to react. And firing at a jumping object is (should be) extremely funny.

About how the jumping spider attack, I would say too much if I said I knew it. It shouldn't be able to attack in the air, and to balance the aerial unbalanced way of moving, it should have to deploy some weapon only when landed. Maybe then the weapon type could be of some big artillery type.

I though also of an armored spider, associated with metal sound when bullets hit.

Here some sketches.

Jumping spider may cause terror

Jumping thing patroling... dont make any noise

Anarch Cassius:
These are pretty sweet ideas. The Ghost will take some AI work to happen and the jumping spider will take some new combat behavoirs but they seem in the scope of the game. I'm a big Aliens fan and like the spider idea particularly.

The Ghost is a nice concept but the regroup seems like an AI priority and not an ability per se. An ability would be something like making them turn to face the ghost's enemies at no TU cost when the cost is attacked. IE the Ghost's reaction fire is to coordinate the other aliens' RF rather than simply asking for help when attacked.


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