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Again on reaction fire

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1) Telok said it took two more hits to down the bloodspider, which, had already taken two hits, that means that when it was stunned stun damage was at least about 1/3 of its total HP -- assuming the last of four hits made minimal damage the first two should have done nearly 2/3 damage to its HP, so not likely.

2) Yes, but robotic actors have hardcoded immunity against this (stun damage, they can still receive normal HP damage)

It was a combat bloodspider, one of the tough ones.

@Telok I didn't mean it is unlikely for the boodspider to have taken 4 hits, I had assumed it was a combat model, I meant that if it still had enough HP to need two hits to take it down, it is very unlikely that it received enough stun damage to stun it, considering that with 999 resistance to stun it would receive only 1 stun per hit, that is unless there is a bug, which is what I'm thinking (or maybe you modded in a stun weapon with 1000+ damage that you aren't telling us about ;))

Anarch Cassius:
There was a commit change recently addressing a RF bug that may explain the aliens seems to move and fire for full and then take full RF later. Hadn't seen an announcement and I know this irritates the crap out of people so I thought I'd mention it.

I've updated to the Dec 18 nightly and found something I absolutely did not expect.

I ran another pair of sets at square 45 with assault rifle RF using single shot. They took 7/494 RF chances at 11% to 15%.

Then I tried burst fire RF.
At square 45, 8% to 11% hit chance, 28/30 RFs
At square 55, 5% to 7% hit chances, 202/341 RFs
At square 65, 4% to 5% hit chances, 22/48 RFs

So, um, weird. At a lower %hit and costing more TUs the soldiers RF 20 times as much. I guess this explains the MG numbers to a point. The more shots that will be fired means the more likely an actor will RF once the TU requirement is met. And soldiers using ARs won't RF if an alien is blocking LoF, even though soldiers with a sniper rifle will.

I'm not modding anything and definitely not nuclear stun ammo.


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