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New weapons - SOLVED

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I am trying my hand at modding weapons. I've just built a model for a new rifle (I need it for my mod), but I cannot make it work. I've built the .md2 and extracted a .jpg, but I do not know how to apply a little light spot, how to tell the engine from where the bullet will come off and, more important, how to put it ingame. Any help will be appreciated.

You're going to need tags, which are small triangles put onto models to tell it where to attach various other items. For weapons, you only need a tag_muzzle. The character models have tags which tell it how to equip your weapon.


--- Quote from: H-Hour on November 23, 2012, 05:38:18 pm ---You're going to need tags, which are small triangles put onto models to tell it where to attach various other items. For weapons, you only need a tag_muzzle. The character models have tags which tell it how to equip your weapon.

--- End quote ---

OK, got it thanks, I have created a new tag, named it tag_muzzle and exported the .tag file with the script. Now, if you could explain me how to implement the new rifle? I can copy the assault rifle entry in the weapons_human.ufo file, changing the path for the model and the name of the weapons, but I do not know how to add this as an usable weapon. Should I add a dummy tech in the research.ufo and a ufopaedia entry?

EDIT: I managed to put the files in the SMG dir, it's enough to test the graphics. As you can see for yourself, I still have some problems with the skinning. I unwrapped the UVmap, packed it and rendered the UV template (all in 3ds max, of course) but the result is not what I wanted. Can anyone help with the UVmapping?

My idea is a rifle cobbled together by a bunch of engineers with access to a CNC lathe and a lot of desperation. It's the kind of weapon I could build if my factory was attacked by aliens.

Every item (including ammo) needs a tech, so, yes, you need to add a new tech entry (but you can create new ufo files for your new tech/items/wathever if you want), you might want to look at the assault rifle techs as an example, maybe you also want to take a look at researched_list.ufo

An ufopaedia entry isn't strictly needed, (but would be cool, wouldn't it?) you can write a short description if you like.

Sorry, I am having some problems. I've created a new dir called "scraprifle" in the models/weapons dir, with the md2 and jpg for the new rifle. I 've added this code to the weapons_human.ufo file:

--- Code: ---// SCRAPRIFLE

item scraprifle
name "_Scraprifle"
model "weapons/scraprifle/scraprifle"
weapon true
type "rifle"
animationindex 1
holdtwohanded false
firetwohanded true
shape "0 0 2 2"
center "2 0 1"
scale 1.35
ammo 12
reload 6
reloadsound "weapons/reload-pistol"
price 900
size 7
is_secondary false

item scraprifle_ammo
name "_Scraprifle Ammo"
model "weapons/scraprifle/scraprifle_clip"
type "ammo"
animationindex 0
shape "0 0 1 1"
center "0 0 -0.2"
scale 1.5
price 20
size 1
is_secondary false
dmgtype "normal"

weapon scraprifle
name "_Snap Shot"
skill "close"
projtl bullet-smg
impact bulletImpact
hitbody null
firesnd "weapons/bullet-pistol"
impsnd "impact/bullet-impact"
bodysnd "impact/bullet-bodyimpact"
speed 3000
spread "2 2"
crouch 1
range 40
shots 1
ammo 1
time 4
damage "30 5"
dmgweight "normal_light"
reaction true
name "_Aimed Shot"
skill "close"
projtl bullet-smg
impact bulletImpact
hitbody null
firesnd "weapons/bullet-pistol"
impsnd "impact/bullet-impact"
bodysnd "impact/bullet-bodyimpact"
speed 3000
spread "1.5 1.5"
crouch 1
range 40
shots 1
ammo 1
delaybetweenshots 10
time 8
damage "30 5"
dmgweight "normal_light"

--- End code ---
(copied from the pistol code)

Then I've added this code to the researched_list.ufo

--- Code: ---rs_weapon_scraprifle

--- End code ---

and this code to the research.ufo

--- Code: ---tech rs_weapon_scraprifle
type "weapon"
up_chapter equipment
description {
default "*msgid:pistol_txt"
// pre_description "*msgid:pistol_pre_txt"

provides scraprifle
time 0
producetime 40

tech rs_weapon_scraprifle_ammo
type "weapon"
up_chapter equipment
description {
default "*msgid:pistol_mag_txt"
// pre_description "*msgid:pistol_mag_pre_txt"

provides scraprifle_ammo
time 0
producetime 12

--- End code ---

copied from pistol, again.

But when I start a new campaign the scraprifle is nowhere to be seen. What am I doing wrong?


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