From the save, (COS - 1 is north pole, Base X - 2 is South pole, or just click right arrow at Base screen) on the base-->COS - 1-->research, says Scientists (available/all): 0/50 and on the screen: Alien Propulsion.-->10 scientists... @ 0.3% ***** ELECTROMAGNETIC = 95.3% NANO = 95.3% UFO - FIGHTER = 15.7% ALIEN TAMAN = 73.9% ALIEN SHEVAAR = 73.9% and PARTICLE BEAM WEAPON = 20.2 ***** So wait/ speed up time or just go strait to Base X - 2, so "Buy/Sell" -->sell all "Craft Items"-->"Alien Propulsion" from that Base(Base X - 2)... once you sell all related material (Alien Propulsion) from Base X - 2 --->Buy/Sell-->Craft Items-->Alien Propulsion(2 to sell:one to buy, so sell the 2) and then all the research stops at COS - 1 base; so go back to COS - 1-->REsearch and now Alien Propulsion is still at 0.3% and Scientists (Available/all): 10:50 ... i.e. 10 Sci were researching "Alien Propulsion" and now none are, so the 10 are now idle. From COS - 1-->Buy/Sell--> Craft Items--> you can see there is still 1 Alien Propulsion at Base COS - 1, so why does the research stop?? (The way the auto sell works, ob all items are connected)
UFO: Alien Invasion 2.5-dev IA-32 Nov 20 2012 Win32 DEBUG build 1353370042
what i was using