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Author Topic: Backstory question: Only six million?  (Read 3592 times)

Offline Exposure

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Backstory question: Only six million?
« on: September 03, 2012, 03:28:44 am »
As someone pointed out to me over an IRC chat about the backstory of UFO alien invasion:
<havocfett>   And then, in its civil war
   <havocfett>   takes a total of six million casualties
   <havocfett>   Despite /nuking/ /itself/
   <havocfett>   Evidently /repeatedly/
   <havocfett>   six million
   <havocfett>   Out o over a billion
That number of casualties for the Chinese Civil War seem just a tad off, don't you think?
« Last Edit: September 03, 2012, 02:59:20 pm by Exposure »

Offline Snowblind

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Re: Backstory question: Only six million?
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2012, 05:41:18 am »
Story says they used tactical (low-yield) nukes for limited military purposes some of which were cities, not a full-on nuclear exchange.

6 million people is a lot of people considering how most conflicts in modern war get up into maybe 4 or 5 digits.