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Author Topic: Button to autoturn the view in the direction of the selected soldier sight  (Read 3311 times)

Offline krilain

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Hello here,

I'm playing since some times now at this excellent remake of UFO. First I would like to thank the developpers team for the good job made.
Then i would like to make a suggestion in order to improve the ease in playing the battlescapes, what i already did in the title of this topic. The reason why I ask for this little improvment is 2 things. One, I have a little computer and no graphic power, so turning the map manually is some slow and not accurate. And second thing, when you have a poor soldier team, the more precisely you place and aim before shoot the best are your chance facing strong aliens. So it would be very helpfull to put automatically the view in the direction of the soldier actual sight. More precision, less disapppointement due to loss of TUs for positionning.

Would all that possible to be implemented a future day ?

Offline H-Hour

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Re: Button to autoturn the view in the direction of the selected soldier sight
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2012, 12:19:40 pm »
If you're asking for a first-person view (ie - what it looks like through the soldiers' eyes), this is not likely to happen. Our maps are not built with ceilings or other things invisible from below, so the maps will not look right in first-person view.

Offline krilain

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Re: Button to autoturn the view in the direction of the selected soldier sight
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2012, 12:29:56 pm »
If you're asking for a first-person view (ie - what it looks like through the soldiers' eyes), this is not likely to happen. Our maps are not built with ceilings or other things invisible from below, so the maps will not look right in first-person view.
Hello H-Hour, and thanks for answering. I must say immedialtly that I dont ask for 1st person view, but only making the map turned around the selected soldier (at center of the map) so that the things that are exactly face to him are just in the vertical line (or think about the redline obtained by t pressing for another idea in that spirit).
 I may be more precise about how I play and why I think it s useful and realistic. For instance I play a lot with firing through windows, but as you know that may reduce a lot your ability to hurt the ennemy, and for the ennemy too that s harder to hit. And for optimizing this sort of shot it s a lot of turning the map for good positionning and doing best. Add the fact that you dont see a lot of screen when you have no graphic card ad little screen, that could really help to turn the view the way as i suggested.

But that s not pure 3D first person, that s just encouragement to use the map.

I really noticed that when using the map at maximum, you can make poorly equiped soldier win in front of strong aliens and i agree with that :)

Offline H-Hour

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Re: Button to autoturn the view in the direction of the selected soldier sight
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2012, 12:52:45 pm »
I think such a feature may exist -- hopefully someone who has figured out all the hotkeys will post if so. If not, please fill out a Feature Request.

Offline Triaxx2

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Re: Button to autoturn the view in the direction of the selected soldier sight
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2012, 01:00:39 am »
Hotwhat now? ;)

Seriously, I looked and didn't find one, but I might have over looked it. The list is fairly long and not broken up. But that's a UI thing, so it's neither here nor there.

Offline krilain

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Re: Button to autoturn the view in the direction of the selected soldier sight
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2012, 10:42:52 am »
I think such a feature may exist -- hopefully someone who has figured out all the hotkeys will post if so. If not, please fill out a Feature Request.
Ok, thank you for directing me at feature page. I would just add the remark that I quite understand that any addition in the gameplay or interface is not always so evident it can appear, and i think, you developpers, pay a lot of attention on how, first not to kill the initial spirit of the original game, and secondly, let the game not to be to much consuming computer ressource for his largest diffusion. And once again, i think that the little automation I'm asking for (about the view) is in particular a way not to have to use the mouse to rotate the map - witch can be laggy and approximative on little computers. Moreover and to end the remarks, if rotation automated, I think I could play at some pretty resolution and admire the well designed creatures and other cute scene elements  :)
« Last Edit: November 14, 2012, 10:46:57 am by krilain »