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Author Topic: Removing armor does not update item count in UI  (Read 2258 times)

Offline DexCisco

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Removing armor does not update item count in UI
« on: November 08, 2012, 05:16:51 am »
If you have a soldier in the dropship equip soldiers screen that has armor on, if you right click on their armor or drag and drop it into the base inventory armor tab, the counter for the number of armor on hand does not go up.  If you exit the equip soldiers screen and go back in, the number is corrected.  Taking armor off and putting it back on after the first time seems to work OK, though the number on hand will be 1 too low until you exit the screen.  The items don't seem to be lost, just the number in the UI is not updated the first time you remove armor from an already armored soldier.