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Author Topic: Alien Capture  (Read 10927 times)

Offline DarkRain

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Re: Alien Capture
« Reply #15 on: November 06, 2012, 04:42:04 am »
So being able to use it with a pistol is a feature of the rod and pistol, not a bug and you would be unable to fire a held rifle with the rod out.
-Read the research report, noticed that it was supposed to be a two handed weapon. 
That's a bug, either in the description or the script.

Also I think they are transported by shipping like transfers and not with the dropship.
Yes, but only if your dropship's homebase doesn't have an alien containment, IIRC.

Stimulants which are actually Sedatives when used on enemies and have the opposite effect... assuming that part is implemented yet.
Implemented... in 2.5-dev