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Author Topic: Yet another ''thank you'' thread.  (Read 12230 times)

Offline Deloused

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Yet another ''thank you'' thread.
« on: October 23, 2012, 06:19:26 pm »
Well... this project is all too faithful for X-COM fans like me, the experience is amazing... truly.

The only negative thing are the missing equipment, ships (no new dropships) and research. I must say I was profoundly disappointed by the abrupt ending of the campaign after taking the alien base (especially that i retried the mission 6 times to avoid unacceptable losses)... but thats OK because it means I will be profoundly happy to play the 2.5 release, I'll just play the full campaign again with highest difficulty.

Thank you very much for your work, it made me feel like a 10 year old again, was worth every minutes of playing, truly a masterpiece.

Offline Templer

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Re: Yet another ''thank you'' thread.
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2012, 04:51:27 pm »
To introduce myself there is neither interesting nor exciting.

I can’t contribute anything unfamiliar.

I know the original XCOM series - I've played it (Terror from the Deep) - I loved it.
I still play it – and sill love it.  ;)

Since then, I always hope for a worthy successor.

I had some fun with UFO: Aftershock and UFO: Extraterrestrial isn’t bad exept much too less maps in the game.

Currently my hopes are on Xenonauts. Looks promising.

I have discovered UFO Alien Invasion long time before on the Internet but the UI of the tactical screen never fits my bill.

Out of desperation I have now nevertheless downloaded UFO Alien Invasion now and I am ... - shocked and thrilled!  :o

So many great, great ideas!
I am excited about what can be achieved when committed, capable people are jointly committed to a project!

Not so good, don’t like so much on the game:

UFO Alien Invasion isn't finished.
It’s already playable. So it can only get better in the future!

The UI in the tactical screen -  I find too cumbersome.
One has to drive his eyes always on the screen from left to right from top to bottom, left corner - go right corner.
This also means that the mouse routes can also be very long which becomes with time a bit tiring.
I would prefer the UI concentrated at a single point / packed so that with one, or with a few glances, I can immediately analyze the situation with the displayed data.

The AI is not the best and you can’t destroy the environment.  :'(
For me the only serious flaws.

Still, I would imagine, well, I wish it to myselfs, that UFO Alien Invasion will become more interesting, challenging, fun and playable than most, perhaps than all other successor to the legendary XCOM.

Go for it!
Best wishes and thanks to all for your efforts.

Offline H-Hour

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Re: Yet another ''thank you'' thread.
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2012, 05:51:34 pm »
The UI is undergoing some revisions but it still a long way off. You may be interested in this screenshot of the battlescape HUD that is not finalized.

If you are playing 2.5-dev, you can try this UI out by selecting the ui2 mod in the options window from the main page. But keep in mind it is not even close to fully functional, so you won't want to actually play with this UI.

Offline Triaxx2

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Re: Yet another ''thank you'' thread.
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2012, 06:46:38 pm »
That looks fantastic, but if you really don't like the default UI, under the options menu is the Alternate UI, which I prefer. I'm going to give UI2 a shot and see what I think though.

And I agree with the above posters. Thanks for putting all your hard work into this guys.