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The UFOFic project thread.

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*were* written! so you already have them and are just holding back, grrrrrr

read the 14 of them in one go when I found this and can't wait to see more =D

Shhhhh it's a secret conspiracy by the alien invaders to deprive you :P

Actually, if you're really interested, it's for several reasons. First, editing and quality control (which means getting at least one Writerlot Crewmember to proof read/critique) - so there's a lot "written" but not quite got the green light. Also they make up Gary's weekly Writerlot slots, allowing him to get some other writing projects done. I'd have said given him some time off, but he's so bloody busy with writing he barely has time to play UFO against me :I

Stay strong - it'll all be up eventually :P (and then you'll be able to download all 27 chapters of it for free for a little while - we'll give you a heads up long before don't worry :D)

Cyber Killer:
Thx for the info - personally I'm waiting for the epub. I read the first 2 chapters on the web, but that's not a comfortable way to read.

Chapter 15 ready for your viewing!

16th installment.



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