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Author Topic: Air Combat Suggestions  (Read 2918 times)

Offline Rodmar

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Air Combat Suggestions
« on: October 11, 2012, 11:07:21 pm »
Granted this tactical mode will be the next gen air combat mode, but in the meanwhile, or just in case of some part of the air combat still occurring on the geoscape, maybe long range (a few "horizons") missiles, I have two suggestions to make.

These are based on v2.4. I don't know if it is already corrected/changed in v2.5.

1a°) Allow interceptors to engage while traveling to an (other) direction, so that they will engage whatever UFO at range, without you to manually assign them a target. Currently, they auto engage at range if the UFO is the one targeted.

1b°) Allow interceptors to compute an attack route that is not necessarily a colliding route (which is still necessary as far as only short range and dogfight is considered, or to enter the new tactical mode).

To illustrate 1b°), have a look at the Arabic example (first  shot): I wonder why the Stiletto (westernmost) can't go to the east, so that he could have engaged earlier.

2°) Allow interceptors to hover on the spot on alert stance, so that they will engage UFOs whenever at range, and possibly fix it, without you to manually assign them a target.

I wonder why the Saracen, in the Arabic example, have 1°) to be redirected toward the UFO and 2°) have to move, being already at (max range). Is it to maximize chances to hit ?
In the American example, I'd rather had my Stiletto gunship take the beaten, while the Air Superiority Stilettos, could have hover and fire without having to move toward the UFO (or better ! keep out-ranging the UFO and firing from afar).