Technical support > Feature Requests
One custom soldier
Another idea could be on reaction fire. Several weapons have different skills (ie tachion rifle: first fire explosive and second assault) but the reaction fire always is with the first fire even if the player has another kind of specialization.
So if you have an assault player equipped with tachion rifle his reaction fire should be with the second kind of fire. What do you think?
--- Quote from: "klw" ---Another idea could be on reaction fire. Several weapons have different skills (ie tachion rifle: first fire explosive and second assault) but the reaction fire always is with the first fire even if the player has another kind of specialization.
So if you have an assault player equipped with tachion rifle his reaction fire should be with the second kind of fire. What do you think?
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Reaction fire should be random or chosed based by the turns that unit has left.
Its less likely that u would aim at alien(s head/body) who you see jumping out near you, my first reaction would be snap shot, as auto would miss far too easly(i would just push the button wo. aiming, if u get more exp. with gun why not a auto shot...
Hmm, mayby you will be limited to custom only starting soldiers, and not newcommers ?
For all modes (even for hard mode).
--- Quote from: "Northen_Wolf" ---IMHO in campaign it shouln't be allowed(least not above normal difficulty), as then player can focus on certain aspects too much (like hel*ofa sniper(fire acc max), HE guy(str max), Scout (TUs max) and can get SUPER team up fast...
One of + in X-com series was that u can't choose what soldiers u get.
In easy-normal mode why not and in multypalyer too :), but not in hard mode :!:
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Thats why I suggested limits on how far you can screen, but that way you can just say 'I don't want any utter idiots, or any utter weaklings no matter how good they are' Say, No-one with str & mind below 30 or something.
Not allow you to screen for above average stats, so you couldn't say 'only str above 80' But you could cut out the people with the really low stats.
Someone mentioned in another thread the idea of the level of experience of the people you can hire rising as the game progressed which would alleviate this issue somewhat, but especially if unhired soldiers stay in the pool it could get annoying to scroll past all the mind 10 or str 10 idiots you never want.
I don't think this is a good Idea, because you are Commander of an whole Special Unit and shouldnt identify with only one Soldier this is a strategic Game not a Role Game or Ego Shooter.
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