Archive > Bugs in older version (2.4)

Coilgun animations


Are they correct ?

What I see in v2.4 :

- Instant shot : 1 shot for X damages (non checked). TUs real cost is according to UFOpaedia.
The animation shows a small white "smoky" circle traveling along with the load. May be it is a shock wave ?

- Auto mode (three shots) : 3 simultaneous widespread shots (trident pattern) for 3*X damages (non checked). TUs real cost is ok.
The animation shows one traveling circle along the aiming line, and two, Y degrees each sides.

- Aimed shot : 2 to 3 (?) consecutive shots along the aiming line for X damages (non checked). TUs real cost is still ok.
The animation shows three chained circles.

My point is :

Either "aiming" means just "taking time" to have a precise single shot, just as with the sniper rifle, and animation for aimed shot should be the same as for the instant shot, or

"aiming" means "applying punishment a longer time", as it could be, say for the continuous fire a LASER weapon's (although not implemented for LASERs in-game), and damage should be greater than the instant shot's.

What do you think ?

(I suspect this not being a bug, rather a design flaw).

I think you are referring to the Bolter (Electromagnetic Rifle). The Coilgun doesn't have a burst mode (3 shots), but in 2.4 the Bolter does have 3 shots. It also has a bug with the aimed shot like you describe (two shots apparently fire).

This has been fixed in 2.5-dev.

Yes, I am ! Sorry. So the coilgun is the english name for the advanced EM gun, I guess.

By the way, the mini shotgun had a similar problem similar (more on it when I play again), but  it is fixed for 6 months too, isn't it ?

Yeah, shotguns are one-shot only now.


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