Development > Artwork

Newbie questions...

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Hi guys

I have a couple of questions. Assuming that I want to change the Earth map on the geoscape, what file should I replace and how? I understand that I can change the culture, the nations and the terrain just by editing some files:
But I still cannot understand how to change the map of the Earth. I'd like to use a topographic map of Mars or Venus distribuited free of charge from NASA. Is it possible to do that?

Along with the culture/terrain/etc maps you should see: map_earth_day.jpg, map_earth_night.jpg and  map_earth_night_lights.png, you should try replacing them as needed

I've already changed them, the only thing that changes is the splash screen at the start of the campaign.
EDIT: I've found an earth.jpg in the \base\models\sequence dir, but I cannot edit the .md2 file in the dir. Can somebody tell me how to edit that file with radiant or blender?

You shouldn't need to change the .md2 if you name your new skin the same thing as the old skin.


--- Quote from: H-Hour on October 02, 2012, 01:48:32 pm ---You shouldn't need to change the .md2 if you name your new skin the same thing as the old skin.

--- End quote ---

Not true, I tried to change the skin with another skin of the same size, the game freezes. By the way, how can I import an .md2 file into Blender or any other 3d editing program? It looks like every program I try refuses to open the .md2 on the base directory...


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