Archive > Bugs in older version (2.4)

Aliens can't open doors



I noticed a bug, i used the forum search function and I didn't find it stated elsewhere.

There are some maps that have doors, which are normally all open by default. It used to be an old XCOM trick to know if an alien or civilian was nearby to find a open door as in the classic doors are closed by default.

The bug I noticed was in the map called "Mansion" where the doors were all closed. Not a problem for the troops, they can open them, BUT.... - the bug - the aliens CANNOT open the doors. Therefore I would find 2-3 aliens in the garage ramp of the mansion every time.  The ramp is right next to the the helipad that the UFO always lands on, so many wonder down there.

So I send one soldier with a shotgun and plenty of ammo, stand at the closed door, then open it at the start of the turn unload the shotgun on one alien killing him, each per turn closing the door at the end of the turn. Reload and repeat until all aliens down there are dead (typically 2-3 in the normal difficulty game).

That map would be very intense if the aliens could open doors, so many tunnels...

I'm enjoying this game, thanks for the good work.

I think this is generally known but not reported (our AI is generally pretty dumb and can't do a lot of things, so probably no one ever bothered to notice they couldn't open doors). Could you file a feature request at our sourceforge site?

Thanks, well it's requested (#615)

Worst, albeit related, when you close a door and hide behind, aliens seem to abandon all "prosecutions", repositioning themselves, switching goals, etc. You just disappeared from the map.

For example, during a base defense, open the workshop's door and firefight to divert invaders. Close the door and the invaders go back to the entrance (or above soldiers). Open...

Yep, the current AI does not have any memory and starts anew each turn. And it possibly require rewriting it from scratch to do so, unless someone invents a way to add some sort of knowledge system to the current code.


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