Technical support > Linux

Ubuntu 10.04: Crash out on entering battlescape.

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An interesting development.

I downloaded the windows installer three times, all three times it failed saying that it was corrupted and I should download it again.
I updated to ubuntu 11.10 and git/compiled the Nov 7th build. No changes, "variadic macros," "Error: Received signal 11," are all still there.

So I tried the windows binaries and just put them in the ufoai directory, and it sort of worked. The game has no play options besides skirmish mode (the others aren't even there on the screen) and there are no soldiers or aliens, but it does get to the battlescape and that is fully functional. Granted that without actors it gets boring fast, but the battlescape does work this way.

Neh, I'll make one last try at the windows installer. If that doesn't work I'll have to bow out.


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