Development > Artwork
Geoscape Alien Gunboat
Lord Drake:
Okay, I can add the underside detail from the reference images.
I still don't know if I can convert it to .md2 using any of the scripts from the link Mattn posted. I'm using Blender 2.63 and those all seem to be for 2.4.
(By the way, what does 'afait' mean?)
Yes, underside should not be empty, but does not need to be detailed in any way. The player "can" see it, but is not expected to do so regularly.
(AFAIT = mistyped "AFAIK" = As Far As I Know)
Lord Drake:
Okay, I'm just going to add the fins you can see in the reference images. I'll let texture do most of the detail work for me. :)
Which reminds me, will you guys need a Normal map? Because I've no experience with those.
There are three type of models.
1. Battlescape «model». This is just an object, and not md2-model.
2. geoscape model, this is very small and low-poly md2 model, shown only from top.
3. menu model, this should be large and detailed enough model.
About normalmaps — yes, we need all sort of maps — normal, bump, glow and so on. But they are not mandatory.
PS: I like your model, very nice work.
Lord Drake:
Never done anything with Normal, bump or glow maps.
Still need to find a script that will work with 2.63 to convert into a .md2.
Thanks, I was trying to follow your object, but I haven't quite managed to do that. ^^'
Also, the OP has been updated with new images.
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