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Author Topic: Game crashed on retry mission  (Read 3115 times)


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Game crashed on retry mission
« on: June 17, 2012, 09:53:52 am »
2.5-dev latest

I've played mission on dam map. Battle went in wrong direction and i decided to restart but instead got crash. Logs attached.

Two things to note:
1. Bolded lines present in console but absent in ufoconsole.log:
Remove pending event 15
Error: Mem_CheckSentinels: bad memory header top sentinel [buffer underflow]
free: src/common/common.cpp:#1428
2. There are HUGE amount of lines like
CL_CheckDefault: Delaying event on entnum 37.

P.S. with developer flag set ufoconsole.log become quite big. Even compressed it's usually too big for SF bugtracker.


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Re: Game crashed on retry mission
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2012, 07:36:46 pm »
I have got the same error message and crash aborting mission (and exiting game) with one dead alien left standing (already invisible).


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Re: Game crashed on retry mission
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2012, 08:31:06 pm »
Another case of the same bug. Now i can say for sure - it's not related to retry itself. It happens on freeing memory after mission finish. In all cases there was alien with buggy animation: dead left standing, alien sitting or standing misaligned to grid, novernet flying unusually high.

And due to line
CL_CheckDefault: Delaying event on entnum 37.
my ufoconsole.log reached size of 228MB! (636kB packed to 7z)

Log saved, can attach if needed.