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Medikit is empty

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Many of my Medikits are empty. in tactical mission is there a change to identify medikits number of shot available?
second: Why do they not refill in the base? Or disappear, at lest?
Is this known by the devs?
My version: 3, June 2012 AMD 64 Linux build

What do you mean by "empty"? Right now AFAIK they can be used infinitely.

No,, it seems the have had 5 shots.
The problem is the do not disapear when empty.
Maybe my build was made including the 5 shot fix, I'hd read in one thread.
Faact is, I ca not determine which is empty, and whichs full or half full

There's no reason it would be in an official installer as that was only a mod shared in the forum, but assuming that it somehow found its way in your game, have you tried to remove it? Anyway in 2.4 one use weapons aren't reloaded in the base but right before entering the mission (2.5 should have it fixed) so they should be fully reloaded when you enter the battlescape.

So how about at my third last savegame?
the last and second last are already posted in another thread.

I am confused about this situation....


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