Technical support > Linux
FreeBSD port v.2.3.1 Error: Shutdown on start
I got the game to start. :)
I wasn't able to get a new video card with the AGP connectors I needed but took the GeForce3 card out, blew out the fan cage vents (that were almost completely clogged with dust), and discovered there was already a port I could compile with the legacy Nvidia driver I needed for this card.
I haven't started a game yet but messed with the options and tutorials a bit. It looks I might be able to run it at full screen 1600x900 resolution, though I haven't tried doing so yet. I'm worn out now and will give it a try later and report back how things are going so you'll know how it runs under FreeBSD.
I did get to kill the alien boss eye thingy, or whatever it was in the PS1 version of X-COM UFO Defense, but win or lose at least I got my video card problems sorted out. :)
Thanks for all the help.
--- Quote from: kabuki on June 21, 2012, 02:58:55 am ---blew out the fan cage vents (that were almost completely clogged with dust)...
--- End quote ---
Thats not good, really. You have to make sure your hardware is mostly clean from dust - i clean the interior every half of a year. Dust is in the most cases responsible for broken hardware. There also protective nets available for the case coolers which i really can recommend. If youre not sure how to clean it properly - google it. :)
I agree. It's a wonder it hadn't overheated.
This computer used to belong to my niece and was given to me a few months ago after sitting in her dad's basement for several years. It didn't have a HD in it when I got it, taking it out and destroying it was his idea of computer security, and I replaced that and a few other hardware items with parts I had from old machines. The video card was already in it and I hadn't noticed the fan cage vents were clogged with dust till I took it out and looked at it. I had blown it out with canned air but must have missed that part.
I played a short (I died before long) skirmish game this morning to see how it ran and was able to run it full screen at 1600x900 resolution without any problems. It looked to be running at a frame rate of between 50 and 70 fps, I couldn't really tell it was going so fast, but what little part of the game I did play did so smoothly.
It plays differently than X-COM UFO Defense and I didn't know what I was doing at first as far as commands but looks like it will be a lot of fun once I get the hang of it.
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