Technical support > Feature Requests
Different campaigns
I would like to play JA in modern version. ;)
Well, there's Back in Action which is pretty much a shinier (reportedly, shittier), less destructible version of 2.
And the newest version of 1.13 was released in December, if I remember correctly.
I have played JA:BIA. Very buggy. And it's just bad clone of JA - looks similar, but many things missing.
JA:BIA is actually not bad... And yes, ive played JA since the first. ;)
--- Quote from: Crystan on June 16, 2012, 02:28:49 pm ---JA:BIA is actually not bad...
--- End quote ---
I'm not saying it's bad. But it's very easy (played on normal). And buggy ;) Well, after several patches it became something playable.
It's not normal, when one soldier with an axe clears all map (hospital) in "hack and slash"-style. Just heal him sometime and do not force to run through wide open areas ;D
What can two snipers do? Just clear half of map (airport near capital) of any enemy presence.
How you kill tank? One soldier runs before it in circles and shouts, other shoots rocket :D
How you can disarm mine without sapper? Only by stepping on it. >:( You can shoot it, throw grenades as much as you want but it will ignore it all. :o (by the way, where are proximity grenades? Preferably for GL?)
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