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Author Topic: Thievery - Squad loosing equipment on mission start.  (Read 2923 times)

Offline martin

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Thievery - Squad loosing equipment on mission start.
« on: June 26, 2012, 03:11:25 pm »
Hi there.

Using the latest [as supplied by running update.exe] build of 2.5-dev, I've recently noticed a somewhat annoying behavior, that keeps me from continue to play the game.

If I start a mission, most of my soldiers have no weaponry anymore [they had, when the aircraft left the base] and all of them lost their armors.

See the attached savegames.


Additionally, I've noticed the following issues, that might be worth reconsideration:

- IR goggles break glass [doors, other things] when used. That's no big deal, but sometimes lead to some unwanted shocking sensation ;)

- Soldiers loose all equipment when taken out of a aircraft team. This is somewhat annoying [as you might want to replace that corporal with the missing limb, but faithfully he'll get well soon and therefore should be allowed to keep his gear until released from the medical treatment]. There should be an option for that.

- Soldier names should be preceeded by the soldier's ranks, so you'd know what "quality" the soldier is. Whilst the rank is displayed on some pages, but missing along with the stats in the battlefield, information about the rank would be a good ressource. [Actually, currently I'm updating the soldiers names on every rank-up, so I always know about...]


LBNL, you guys are doing a great job on UFO:AI.
From the day I started it, I was having the same great feeling I last had when playing the original about 20 years ago.

Thanks for that - go on ! :)