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New autobattle

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If one can provide a .log or a savegame about the +japan map I will add it to the tracker.


--- Quote from: Nokim on June 06, 2012, 09:41:36 pm ---Yes, fixing a bug is the best solution, however i would prefer combo: if game encounter such situation it uses any other usable map/data and log(send?) detailed report on issue. Just crashing is too frustrating for regular user and you can't guarantee absence of bugs or quick fixing of them in "a spare time project", so why not use such workarounds when terminating a game is not really required?

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It is not only a spare time project, but also Open Source. So nobody will stop you if you start to hack this into the code.


--- Quote from: ShipIt on June 07, 2012, 06:42:12 am ---It is not only a spare time project, but also Open Source. So nobody will stop you if you start to hack this into the code.

--- End quote ---
I've tried once... And perhaps i will again because game crashes and hangs on exit every time (ticket in bugtracker 3529383). As far as i can say it's related to memory allocation and video driver, game reads memory outside allocated block.

Reasons for Autobattle
For me Auto-Battle should be a tool when standards happen too often.

in an attempt to cover all earth quite early i observed that in that early stage the number of ufos rose with the number of bases. while i had 1 ufo per 3 days earlier, later on i had 2-3 daily

- autobattle should only be possible when there is nothing new to the player: map has been played, all races are known (autopsy), all used weapons and armor are known, ufo type is known
- there should be a slight increase in performance if within the last 5 battles on that maptype at least 3 were played, and there should be a slight decay in performance if anything is auto-battled, not much but a slight bit
- that increase and decay should also be bases of the points gained by the soldiers
- generally points gained should be about half of those of a real battle max
- points gained should depend on equipment (weapon type), map type (more or less physical training on small/large maps, precision enforced or not), and other equipment (ie. intelligence <-> medikit and so on

per combat
- map types (close combat, open map, lots of hidings, lack of it) should favor one or the other weapon type. counts for both sides
- armor and race stats should have an impact (bigger one)
- numbers should have an impact
- weapons used should have a big impact
- skills of combatants should have quite an impact
- rank (=strategic knowledge) should have at least a small impact

most important of all:
runs should vary in result, but slightly. please don't create completely random fights. if there are 20 good equipped enemies that kill you completely in 1 run, it shouldn't be possible to kill them lossless in the next. use ranges to handle it a bit.

random fights should cover the easier battles, not the rare hard ones


--- Quote from: RealSpirit on June 07, 2012, 07:17:32 pm ---i observed that in that early stage the number of ufos rose with the number of bases

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You're wrong. The number of missions spawned doesn't depend on number of bases you've built. It must have been a coincidence.

--- Quote from: RealSpirit on June 07, 2012, 07:17:32 pm ---- autobattle should only be possible when there is nothing new to the player: map has been played, all races
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Wrong: If auto-fight is available, player would know "ah... it has nothing new, interesting stuff for me", and will suggest using autofight. We don't want it.

--- Quote from: RealSpirit on June 07, 2012, 07:17:32 pm ---- there should be a slight increase in performance if within the last 5 battles on that maptype at least 3 were played, and there should be a slight decay in performance if anything is auto-battled, not much but a slight bit

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Again, no. The fact the same maps repeat too much is only that we don't have enough of them. You can find instructions on wiki about map making!

In my opinion, - and this will be the last time I write it down -, autofight should only depend on the soldiers/aliens incorporated in the fight and their equipment and some luck, yes. This includes the soldier's stats which improves by doing missions.

--- Quote from: RealSpirit on June 07, 2012, 07:17:32 pm ---runs should vary in result, but slightly. please don't create completely random fights.

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The current implementation is not yet complete, as equipment scoring is missing and stat scoring is maybe half-done. Noone wanna make them completely random, it's just the system needs fine tuning and some additions.



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