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New autobattle

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--- Quote from: Telok on June 05, 2012, 11:38:16 am ---Also of note in 2.5-dev is that base attacks spawn your soldiers equally between ALL of your living quarters and your Command Center.

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They also spawn in hospital.


--- Quote from: Jon_dArc on June 05, 2012, 01:28:01 pm ---I'm totally serious.
Yep. Which is why a way to work around the issue is so valuable ...

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I think the bug should be fixed.

But again, it's not "the bug". A week or so before, a different mission was failing to load for a different reason (sadly I was remiss in saving the log, but IIRC it got fixed). You yourself just said that it wasn't reasonable to expect these things to not happen. Or is there a specific overhaul of map/mission-related resources causing these bugs that's done or mostly done and thus we should no longer expect new mission-loading issues?



--- Quote from: Jon_dArc on June 06, 2012, 03:03:37 pm ---But again, it's not "the bug". A week or so before, a different mission was failing to load for a different reason (sadly I was remiss in saving the log, but IIRC it got fixed). You yourself just said that it wasn't reasonable to expect these things to not happen. Or is there a specific overhaul of map/mission-related resources causing these bugs that's done or mostly done and thus we should no longer expect new mission-loading issues?


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Afaik the "Could not find tile: ..."  is one bug that affects two maps. The maps that were reported having this problem are +frozen and +mansion. You can load and play each assembly (version) of those maps in Skirmish mode without problems. Thats why it is not a problem of the maps but a problem of the map/assembly selection. Unfortunately +frozen is one of only a few maps we have for 'cold' environment, so it is choosen quite often, resulting in an annoying amount of broken missions if one, as Telok does, shoots down UFOs there regulary.

I am quite sure we could do an easy workaround. On the other hand, why not just fix the bug? It will take some time, but remember, this is a spare time project.


--- Quote from: ShipIt on June 06, 2012, 06:07:28 pm ---Afaik the "Could not find tile: ..."  is one bug that affects two maps. The maps that were reported having this problem are +frozen and +mansion.
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You should add to list some map from Japan. I don't know exact name, may be literally "japan"? It lacks tile for UFO Fighter.

Yes, fixing a bug is the best solution, however i would prefer combo: if game encounter such situation it uses any other usable map/data and log(send?) detailed report on issue. Just crashing is too frustrating for regular user and you can't guarantee absence of bugs or quick fixing of them in "a spare time project", so why not use such workarounds when terminating a game is not really required?


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