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Alien propulsion won't work IRL

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Good point.

and why is anti-grav bad? Isn't UFO:AI supposed to be a fan.based spiritual sucessor to X-Com? had anti-grav in several shapes and sizes. It even had a enemy that floated on a mini anit-grav engine.


--- Quote from: TrashMan on May 29, 2012, 10:05:58 pm ---Good point.

and why is anti-grav bad? Isn't UFO:AI supposed to be a fan.based spiritual sucessor to X-Com? had anti-grav in several shapes and sizes. It even had a enemy that floated on a mini anit-grav engine.

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Did i miss something? Probably missread antimatter with anti-grav?


--- Quote from: Nutter on May 29, 2012, 09:13:22 pm ---The annoying thing about this is that it's bloody hard to find a propulsion method that properly illustrates their technological advantage without resorting to some sort of agrav or something of the sort.

--- End quote ---

This is where it began.

IMO the biggest problem with AM engines is the fact that UFOpaedia overstates energy gained from M/AM anhillation. Easiest solution-change the units. Instead of 1 unit AM=0.01 g, let's do 1 unit=1g. Only thing nescessary is to overwrie a few words in UFOpaedia about AM, alien engines and AM storage building.

May be because ufoai is not x-com at all?
X-com also has ellirium, cydonia and flying suits, which we do not have.

> Did i miss something? Probably missread antimatter with anti-grav?
Trashman have had another model, but it cant be included to the game without anti-gravitation. Well, I prefer game without anti-gravitation and model. But he always can make a mod or even fork.

Btw, we need some models, why do you not want to make they?

>we do not want agrav

Well, sorry to disappoint you guys, but with this

--- Quote ---In the simplest terms, it's a gravity sensor, scanning for minute changes in a background gravitational field. Everything travelling through a gravity field disturbs the field to some degree based on its size, mass and composition.
--- End quote ---
in "alien detection" you already gave the aliens the ability to play with gravitational field so advanced, that simple agrav looks child's play.


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