Technical support > Linux

compiling 2.5


Trying to get the dev version for the first time: I've been following the instruction on how to get the source, and apparently I downloaded 850 megs of data
--- Code: ---git fetch --depth 1
remote: Counting objects: 10914, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (10239/10239), done.
remote: Total 10914 (delta 926), reused 7963 (delta 544)
Receiving objects: 100% (10914/10914), 857.07 MiB | 508 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (926/926), done.
From git://
 * [new branch]      master     -> origin/master
--- End code ---

after this the tutorial continues with
--- Quote ---Compile the game with:

$ ./configure
--- End quote ---

but I get
--- Code: ---./configure: No such file or directory

--- End code ---

Apparently I'm doing something wrong here...

And where did that 857MB download go? I'm not seeing any files :^/

oops, looks like I skipped a command back there  ;D

but not to worry, chances are I'll be back with another obstacle on my path to 2.5....

You're probably not in the clone directory, maybe one dir upper...


I believe the directory was the correct one, I just had neglected to
--- Code: ---git checkout -t origin/master
--- End code ---

...hey, it works. NOW I'm confused =)

i managed to compile it with no problems.

tryed also to make a deb but im always missing radiant :) for it
noticed on my second mission my firebird and the rescue spot lights were missing :) im guessing its not a few feature. :P


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