Technical support > Linux
Something missing from sources?
Hi All,
it seems that something is missing in sources. I did
git pull
make clean
make maps
And now battlescape does not start:
pawned ai player for team 7 with entnum 72
Created AI player (team 7)
Used inventory slots after ai spawn: 0
connection attempt from loopback connection
load material file: 'materials/small_street.mat'
R_FindModel: Could not find: 'models/objects/city/trash/trash.md2'
R_FindModel: Could not find: 'models/objects/city/trash/trash.md2'
R_FindModel: Could not find: 'models/objects/furniture/flowerpot/flowerpot.md2'
R_FindModel: Could not find: 'models/objects/furniture/flowerpot/flowerpot.md2'
Starting the game...
ko5tik has joined team 1
Music: battlescape track changed from van_geoscape to van_mission2.
Used inventory slots: 0
Music: battlescape track changed from van_mission2 to van_mission2.
R_FindModel: Could not find: 'soldiers/femalelight/head02a'
Soldier entered the rescue zone.R_FindModel: Could not find: 'soldiers/femalelight/head03b'
Soldier entered the rescue zone.R_FindModel: Could not find: 'soldiers/femalelight/head04b'
Soldier entered the rescue zone.R_FindModel: Could not find: 'soldiers/malelight/head01b'
R_FindModel: Could not find: 'soldiers/femalelight/head04a'
Soldier entered the rescue zone.R_FindModel: Could not find: 'soldiers/malelight/head01a'
Soldier entered the rescue zone.Soldier entered the rescue zone.Used inventory slots client ko5tik spawn: 0
(player 0) It's team 1's turn!
ko5tik has taken control over team 1.
ERROR: LE_GetDrawModel: Could not find model 26
Shutdown server: Server crashed.
Unload the game library
Client stream was closed
Remove pending event 24
Remove pending event 26
Remove pending event 12
Remove pending event 24
Remove pending event 26
Remove pe
thanks in advance,
This is a known problem in master at the moment, when loading a campaign save. It was introduced when we merged the new soldier models and old saves can not find the new models properly. It is being worked on and may already be fixed.
You should be able to play skirmish or start a new campaign with no problems.
What about some compensation solution? Just a small conversion utility would help
It should be fixed now. I confirmed fix this morning on my own save. Let us know if you have further problems.
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