Technical support > Feature Requests

crash site with no survivors

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a chance that 0 aliens survive would be quite nice, i think, especially if there is no humongous effort involved to make it work.
there was a non-crash mission with 0 aliens, and i had to fire a shot to win it.
i doubt it was corrected to be insta-win, though.
--- Quote from: kurja on May 24, 2012, 06:02:01 pm ---heh, true enough. those small scouts were really funny, very sputnik-like :D

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heh, i remember i called them umbrellas.
--- Quote from: kurja on May 24, 2012, 08:08:40 pm ---as a matter of fact I often double-avalanch'ed them just so I wouldn't need to mop up it's miserable wreck ;)

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so you didn't get to use your first opportunity to research heavy plasma.


--- Quote from: homunculus on May 24, 2012, 08:52:53 pm ---so you didn't get to use your first opportunity to research heavy plasma.

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heavy plasma was coded to always first appear on scout crash missions?


--- Quote from: homunculus on May 24, 2012, 08:52:53 pm ---so you didn't get to use your first opportunity to research heavy plasma.
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it sometimes did.


--- Quote from: homunculus on May 24, 2012, 08:52:53 pm ---a chance that 0 aliens survive would be quite nice, i think, especially if there is no humongous effort involved to make it work.

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There is a chance: shot them down above water. ;)



--- Quote from: geever on May 25, 2012, 10:48:14 am ---There is a chance: shot them down above water. ;)


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Oh - there is no liquid water at the alien homeworlds, so their craft is not designed to withstand humidity - so hull damage above water will cause disintegration of the entire vessel!

It all makes sense now =D


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