I want to know how long in ingame months/years the game is intended to last. I'm playing the full campaign in 2.4 on easier and the game went like that:
Up until 1 (ingame) year: Almost everything discovered.
1 year: Alien base dectected, new research (Herakles drop ship and other things).
1 year, 3 months: Now almost everything discovered.
1 year, 8 months: Nothing new. Last new ship was the corrupter, particle beam cannon still missing.
Let's say, the pacing of the campaign went well until 1 year, 3 month ingame time. After that, the corrupter took some time until it showed up, the last research item I guess would be the particle beam cannon and "man-portable particle beams".
Will the particle beam cannon ever show up in 2.4? (Keep in mind, that I'm playing on easier). Why is there nothing (well, not "nothing", but about 1 to 0 research things per month) to do after 1 year and 3 months (again on easier)? There should be a virus spread, but it is still at 0% for me. I know, I can finish the game with playing the alien base mission, but I want at least see the particle beam cannon, so that my heavy could get something other in his hand than the heavy laser, I gave him at the beginning of the game.
Is there something else, that I haven't seen in the campaign, that will show up? I heard of the alien bomber ship or so. Will this ship show up?