Development > Newbie Coding

Artificial Intelligence

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HDD went dead today.

Thanks for the Com_Printf(...), will be priceless to check scoring while skirmishing once I've redownloaded, reinstalled and recompiled all the things needed :p

Another thing that may be clear for you : the visibility of aliens. I've read that "we" believe they see everyone because the way they search for target "move them" to the position before checking visibility. However, if the visibility check is a simple "flag test" that is only set when the correct "move procedure" is done, maybe that flag is not reset when the position of the alien is changed, hence negating the assumption that they can see everyone.

I'll go check ASAP if you can't say without looking at it, and I'll do my first Com_Printf(...) on it to be sure :P

Sorry to hear that :(

The AI should be doing actual visibility tests (which involve line tracing) if there are places that are using flag test that should be regarded as a bug (for the reason you mentioned)


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