Development > Newbie Coding
Question on List Formatting
Yes, the *.ufo files should be in one of the *.pk3 (ufos.pk3), its a simple zip file so you can extract them easily.
--- Quote from: DarkRain on May 22, 2012, 01:45:32 am ---Yes, the *.ufo files should be in one of the *.pk3 (ufos.pk3), its a simple zip file so you can extract them easily.
--- End quote ---
Ah-ha. I guess the pk was a clue to pkzip, but hadn't run across that yet in my wanderings. Thanks!
here you have most of the documentation
here you have other relative content but it is usually outdated
but for the api between game and script you need to check the code
Anyway feel free to ask specific question here or on irc. We can answer and update the wiki. You also can updater the wiki BTW :-)
Attached is a screen shot of the small mod I did. Asking for feedback if it's something you would like to add permanently, or if you'd like changes to the way it's coded.
Coding wise, it's a bit of a hack to use the existing field and zero pad it to make everything line up. It also had the side effect of changing the title on all the tabs for the transfer, so I still have to clean that up. To line it all up correctly and get rid of the zero padding, I'd have to add another column to it. I'd be happy to do that if you want me to, but that will take longer. I also added the amount of free storage at the destination base in the base description, which I'd like to adjust it as you add items to transfer, but that will involve changing some function calls that might not work in all places.
Fire away. I don't want to make the jump to full time programmer yet and start working on the main trunk, sorry, but this was something that was bothering me while playing the game and seemed easy to do, but little enough that you guys might not want to spend time on it. Again, happy to make it conform to your design goals better if you want, just let me know. When I'm done I'll submit it to you for review.
I'm not a coder so can't comment on that, but I think they'll need to see a patch or diff with your changes.
I am a UI designer, though, and I would prefer to have the values passed to the UI separately. This way I can place them how I want rather than having a single string "12345 | 12345" that already determines the layout for me.
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