General > Discussion
Herakles: A death trap?
Meh. It's not a death trap. Not in the case of Herakles. It just feels like a death trap. It's your instincts nagging. A natural warrior's reaction to the geometrical shape of the starting space.
--- Quote from: Battlescared on May 21, 2012, 02:02:14 am --- I always wanted the ability to set the order of my troops.
The alien AI needs to learn to hide somewhat. It just rushes the entrance.
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I hope eventually we'll have something like this for ordering troops. And alien AI is of course in need of work.
--- Quote from: Battlescared on May 21, 2012, 02:02:14 am ---- I always wanted the ability to set the order of my troops.
--- End quote ---
It is possible - at least in 2.5, but you could test it in 2.4 either - the order the soldiers are added to the Dropship affects the spawn order. It is not a feature at the moment but a useful sideeffect of the data structures behind, we plan to make a better UI for team management. I should also mention that removing soldiers from the dropship (to rearrange them) will de-equip them so you will need to add them their weapons and equipment again.
The order is irrelevant unless it corresponds to consistent soldier spawn locations in the maps. This feature also requires every starting location map tile to be adjusted.
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