Technical support > Feature Requests
Really? Hmm... it works for me. You did recompile the game after applying the patch, right?
Guys, I know I've been away from this project for a while, but after coming back and reading through this thread, I have to admit I'm a little *against* mortars in the official game.
Much like proposals for air strikes, air-to-ground bombs, and other really heavy stuff, please remember that in the setting of the official game Phalanx troops are supposed to go into an area and more surgically remove a threat withOUT causing a huge disruption by blasting things to the Christian hell, withOUT drawing a lot of attention to what should be a secret or low-profile organization so aliens don't target them, and withOUT causing massive damage to a populated area of a nation that is expected to support the organization.
Yes, I realize that in video games it can indeed be fun to simply chuck a big A-bomb at a group of bad guys and just nuke the f***ers, but it kills the realism we fought so hard for in making this game - much like how this game tries to go for *hard* sci-fi stuff and not the soft fantasy-ish like material.
I'd also like to point out that real-life military veterans and experts that I've known and talked to (including one in my family, who fought in two world wars) who really know the practical consequences of blasting large areas with powerful weapons to root out enemy units often run into this type of mentality with inexperienced people who don't realize the problems with such an approach. Many "arm-chair" idea givers who have never been in the military favor this thing with blasting large areas like that, but the real experts are against it.
Yes, in the history of wars and fighting they have indeed tried that type of thing - It doesn't work as expected. I don't claim to be such an expert myself so I can't list all the reasons why, but the real experts who have really *been there* know that it is a BAD idea in many cases. Most actually prefer to go into an area and remove JUST the threat withOUT causing massive damage to the area while doing it.
All that being said, I think this would be better as a MOD, and should go in that section of the forum, and not show up in the official version of the game.
While I appreciate the sentiment, we are fighting aliens. But this isn't wanting to level the place. This is wanting to be able to land fire on a known target. I'm not suggesting super heavy ones. I'm thinking of this, instead of this.
A specialized variety of grenade launcher, and not really more powerful than the rocket launcher. I don't think air-strikes fit the game that well, unless it requires a specialized bomber and uses it as a type of auto-mission. All I'm aiming for is versatility in weaponry.
In fact if we were going for minimum damage, we'd not be using explosive grenades at all, just smoke and flash bangs. And definitely no rocket or grenade launchers, and certainly not flame throwers. Nor Electro-magnetic rifles, which shoot through buildings.
I love realism as much as the next guy, but I'd much rather the game be fun first, and realistic second.
--- Quote from: Triaxx2 on June 14, 2012, 03:01:55 am ---...I'm not suggesting super heavy ones. I'm thinking of this, instead of this.
--- End quote ---
Ah, thanks for pointing that out - that's where I misunderstood. I apologize - I've been in and out of involvement with this game for so long that I've gotten used to (more like sore and somewhat desensitized in a way, I admit,) having to defend the way the game is designed and argue back against occasional people who come to the forum and ask for nuclear weapons, huge super-bombs and other crap that would destroy game balance and wouldn't fit in well at all, to the point where in this case I made a few assumptions.
Oh, that and the occasional request for a light-saber or some other silly bulls***. Keeping the game intact from that type of nonsense can also be "fun." :P
It's alright. I've seen those kind of requests as well. I always try to keep balance in mind.
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