Technical support > Feature Requests


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would it be possible to change grenade launcher's aiming to enable this, does the shot always need to use a similar trajectory?

Perhaps having an up/down arrow on the side of the fire options list to set the apex height and have the max range reduce incrementally beyond a certain height

Mortars count as artillery, though. And suggestions of fire support were already shot down since pretty much all of your operations seem to be happening in at least lightly populated areas and you're trying to avoid friendly fire as if it's the plague.
Though, some more heavy weapons would be nice.
Maybe a .50cal? :p

mortars are also man portable (the UK L9 light morter is in the 6-7 kilo range which is about the same as the FN minimi light machinegun) and are generally used for close range indirect fire support (750m for the L9) rather than of field support, there was consideration in the MOD to replace the L9 with L17A2 UGL (Under-slung Grenade Launcher).

I know, I know. Not like I'm against the idea. Especially if we'd be allowed to pack the shells full of CHOKE when R&D tells you how to make it.
Still doubt we'll get anything, though.


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