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Yes, there's some confusion in this thread, I think. Some of the ideas here are not bad, but they just don't match what our firemodes do at the moment, and I don't think we're likely to be coding a new firemode functionality soon (although I, too, would like some more control over grenade launcher angle at some point).

Part of the confusion is that our Airbust/Impact firemode does BOTH:

Airburst: It will detonate upon reaching target, even if it hasn't hit anything.

Impact: If it makes contact with something before reaching the target, it will detonate.

For ease of use, I think this is actually better than having two separate modes. It seems fairly intuitive to me and the grenade launcher already has the most complicated firemodes. I don't want to complicate it further unless it's really necessary.

The only problem I have is how to name it in a way that it can not be confused at all for the slow timer mode. Maybe timer could be called "Bounced"?

Remvte the burt modes from grenade launcher. Implement several different singel-shot modes and do them justice.


--- Quote from: TrashMan on May 20, 2012, 10:42:39 am ---Remvte the burt modes from grenade launcher.

--- End quote ---

Already done.

That's kind of sad. I liked having the three-round burst available for engaging small groups. It means there's no way to deal with large groups other than wasting time by firing multiple individuals, or trying to throw hand grenades.

Having AirB/Imp as one mode, and Timed as another works quite well.


--- Quote from: H-Hour on May 20, 2012, 10:23:04 am ---Part of the confusion is that our Airbust/Impact firemode does BOTH:

Airburst: It will detonate upon reaching target, even if it hasn't hit anything.

Impact: If it makes contact with something before reaching the target, it will detonate.

--- End quote ---

In my opinion there are two problems with using the GL in 2.5, one is the high trajectory thing and other is that currently there is no way to make it detonate in mid air at a given location with impact/timer firing modes. Also, the timer mode seems somewhat obscure; apparently the grenade will go off when some set time has elapsed, but I can't figure out what that time might be or if it can be set shorter or longer.

What's this airburst mode you're all talking about, was there one in 2.4? I think there was airburst mode in 2.3? Ufopedia still mentions airburst though.


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