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On the topic of mortars, it would be nice to get some additional projectile angles, at least a high-angle release for the GL and grenades—the contortions required to attack a target out of direct LOS on adjacent higher terrain, or on the far side of a wall or other obstruction, are pretty painful. It wasn't always a panacea, but the removal of airburst in favour of impact makes the problem worse.

Maybe an additional fire mode for grenades (change current "lob" to "throw", new high-angle mode called "lob") and two for the GL grenades (timed and impact—it's not clear to me that we need the ability to perform high-angle aimed shots, though if people aren't scared off by eight firemodes I certainly wouldn't complain)? Seems easier than finding a way to give the player more fine-grained trajectory control, even if that would ultimately be nicer.


The only difference between Airburst and Impact is the name. I agonized forever to find a better name than Airburst, and now you have shown me that Impact can also be confusing, because it can explode without hitting anything.

I changed the name because Airbust always confused me: does that mean it explodes on target or that it will explode after a given time, even if it's in the air? It may seem obvious after learning the weapon, but I would really like to come up with names for each firemode that are clear and distinct. Any recommendations?

The launcher transmits distance from target to the grenade which then detonates in mid air at the set distance so this happens.
Don't really see how the term could be confusing.


--- Quote from: Nutter on May 19, 2012, 06:22:59 pm ---Don't really see how the term could be confusing.

--- End quote ---

Both firemodes detonate based on timers and both firemodes can detonate in the air. That can make it difficult to find names that make the distinction clear. Airburst may be better than Impact, but I'd still like to find something better.

An impact explosive impacts like it says on impact, triggers can be
 - small amount of shock detonated explosive in the tip of the device
 - plunger or other depression triggered fuse

Air burst explodes while in the air, triggers can be
 - Timer (usually milliseconds)
 - rotation XM25 uses this where by it measures the number of times it has spun using the spin caused by the weapons rifling
 - In the case of aerially dropped weapons pressure sensors detecting the change in air preasure.

To add to the confusion timers/set length fuses are the traditional fuses for hand grenades which means they will only detonate after a set time


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