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I've noticed that the enemy likes to hide behind walls, and there is occasionally no cover to close in enough to throw a grenade, usually without exposing yourself to enemy fire.

Mortars as heavy weapons would neatly solve the problem, while being able to potentially punch through floors. They'd be very expensive to use, and possibly immobile within the battle space, so they don't step on the toes of grenade launchers.

Having multiple round types would make it a useful tactical weapon. Large area smoke rounds, incendiary, and naturally armor piercing. Possibly even a camera round to be dropped into an area you can't see. It doesn't have to last for more than a round.

What kind of mortar is that can't turn a wall into dust? -- And in UFO:AI walls are indestructible, you know...


in theory smoke grenades should provide visual cover which would help that issue but I belie there is an issue with the code {could be wrong there}

Having said that I have thought about bringing up the subject of mortars a few time.   The problem I have found is as you say thinking of a way of using them that doesn't make them overpowered grenade launchers.

They defiantly need to be heavy weapons. but I don't like making them immobile in case the soldier spawns somewhere useless like inside the dropship but a penalty to movement I think should be considered especially if it proves over powered.

Might it also be worth making the weapon only usable when crouched and have a heavy TU cost to fire the thing

I think the thing should suffer from accuracy but compensate with large damage and blast radius so players have to think then using it or else risk friendly fire or hitting civilians.

I've thought of that as well but in my opinion realistic mortars wouldn't really "fit". Gameplay-wise, we already have the grenade launcher for indirect fire; perhaps it could be tweaked to be a little heavier weapon by adding range/damage/radius in exchange for removing burst mode and adding tu cost to become more "mortar-like".

iirc grenade launcher follow a flatter trajectory, useful for putting rounds through windows and the like.

A mortar tends to follow a higher/steeper trajectory useful for hitting objects behind tall cover which is what Triaxx2 was looking for


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