Honestly, what do you think or believe may be important but only for practical purposes, and what you do does is ensure that I get tired of doing things for everyone who asks me, especially if they lead nowhere.
I have no idea whether the statue of liberty has been taken from the painting by Delacroix, you can view the ideological offspring. But honestly I do not care.
This is not a job, if it becomes a job someone has to pay, is not an option.
So I'll do what I want when I go and not when someone decides!
If you think that removing the barrel or a character, or put two or three dead aliens, or even repeat the parody of the Delacroix's painting, reduces the amount of work why not try to do it, let's see how it is, and how much time you put! I'm curious to see your theory to the test of facts.
Starting today!
Maybe you also work with where you live.