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Author Topic: 3 Things to Change Back... (v2.4 suggestion)  (Read 16167 times)

Offline kurja

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Re: 3 Things to Change Back... (v2.4 suggestion)
« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2012, 09:16:40 am »
Developing extra features is not a waste of time. I am quite sure no dev thinks like that. And everybody in the team wants to give the players as much X-Com as possible.

Imo it would be better to make the autoresolve possible as a standard and counter this by rewarding the players that donĀ“t use it.

I recall a recent thread in the feature request forum about exactly this ;)

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Re: 3 Things to Change Back... (v2.4 suggestion)
« Reply #16 on: May 10, 2012, 09:25:15 am »
I recall a recent thread in the feature request forum about exactly this ;)

There is difference between 'adding a feature' and 'changing the game design' imo.

Offline geever

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Re: 3 Things to Change Back... (v2.4 suggestion)
« Reply #17 on: May 10, 2012, 11:40:04 am »
And another thing! I love the current soundtracks, however is there any way to reverse engineer the old soundtracks and use them as an alternative? I think these were the most appropriate and created proper audio experience, crunching doors and quite poor sounds, but the most accurate imho.

From X-Com? No. That would have legal issues.


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Re: 3 Things to Change Back... (v2.4 suggestion)
« Reply #18 on: May 10, 2012, 11:49:44 am »
There is difference between 'adding a feature' and 'changing the game design' imo.

I'm sorry, I don't quite get the "changing the game design" part. Any change or addition is, in a way, changing the game design, changing how the game is played, no? Also, the feature suggested in that thread would not by any means have been game play-wise a major change - we already have autoplay but not available in all missions, it would just have been a different "front" to it.

I probably sound like I'm whining because not everyone loves the idea, if it doesn't get support it won't get added and that's okay but I'd like to understand the reasoning of those who oppose it because I thought it was actually a good idea.

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Re: 3 Things to Change Back... (v2.4 suggestion)
« Reply #19 on: May 10, 2012, 12:30:24 pm »
I probably sound like I'm whining because not everyone loves the idea, if it doesn't get support it won't get added and that's okay but I'd like to understand the reasoning of those who oppose it because I thought it was actually a good idea.

Explaining and defending an idea is not whining for me.

the feature suggested in that thread would not by any means have been game play-wise a major change - we already have autoplay but not available in all missions, it would just have been a different "front" to it.

The automission is done by your soldiers, you get all the loot to sell or research. Your soldiers gain experience for the tactical part and the commander (you) gains money for the strategical part. If you dont get experience/money, because the mission is 'outsourced', this will affect game balancing in a reasonable way. Thats why I thought it is more than just adding a feature.

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Re: 3 Things to Change Back... (v2.4 suggestion)
« Reply #20 on: May 10, 2012, 12:44:47 pm »
You're right. On the other hand, getting "penalized" in the ways you just mentioned wouldn't seem like a bad thing either.

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Re: 3 Things to Change Back... (v2.4 suggestion)
« Reply #21 on: May 10, 2012, 01:15:18 pm »
You're right. On the other hand, getting "penalized" in the ways you just mentioned wouldn't seem like a bad thing either.

The bad thing would be : player uses this feature -> player gets overhelmed by the growing alien interest and loses game because he used the feature -> player does not use the feature anymore because it leads to losing the game. Can you see my point ?

Offline kurja

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Re: 3 Things to Change Back... (v2.4 suggestion)
« Reply #22 on: May 10, 2012, 01:24:44 pm »
Yes. Like anything else in the game, if misused or played poorly, will lead to an unhappy ending for the player's campaign. I don't see a problem with that. Are there currently any side effects from using the autoresolve? I recall there was some talk about it affecting nation happiness, do you know if this is true?

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Re: 3 Things to Change Back... (v2.4 suggestion)
« Reply #23 on: May 10, 2012, 01:31:08 pm »
Yes. Like anything else in the game, if misused or played poorly, will lead to an unhappy ending for the player's campaign. I don't see a problem with that. Are there currently any side effects from using the autoresolve? I recall there was some talk about it affecting nation happiness, do you know if this is true?

I am not very familar with that. But I am quite sure the only drawback is soldiers gain less experience when you do automission.

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Re: 3 Things to Change Back... (v2.4 suggestion)
« Reply #24 on: May 10, 2012, 01:49:15 pm »
What about the killed civilians? I think they reduce the nation happyness.

Offline headdie

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Re: 3 Things to Change Back... (v2.4 suggestion)
« Reply #25 on: May 10, 2012, 03:14:11 pm »
I like the idea of updating autoresolve with an "outsource mission"  option.

This is not UFO:EU, On harder difficulties you have a very limited access to soldiers, if your team gets badly mauled in a terror mission and you then shoot down a UFO for example, you will probably prefer to auto resolve the mission to give your team time to recover.

On the other hand it needs an element of balance to stop abuse, this is after all a game and not an interactive novel but it needs to make sense in the story told, if the auto resolve becomes leave it to local forces (ala UFO: Aftermath) it then brings into play several potential penalties which have been suggested.  Auto resolve needs to be an option used sparingly by the player when they are having an excessively hard time and need to give their teams a chance to recover health or manufacture equipment/replacement ammo.  Story critical missions should also be limited so the player cant auto it.

On the national rating scheme, the player is there as Earth's answer to the alien threat so any deferred mission result should not help PHALANX's reputation and anything where it goes bad for should hammer the player, I was thinking something like

Player Tackles the mission and wins = +1 to national opinion
Player Requests Local deal with mission and they win = No change to national opinion
Player Tackles the mission and looses = -1 to national opinion
Player Requests Local deal with mission and they loose =  -2 to national opinion
Player ignores the mission and it disappears = -3 to national opinion because the player should have acted in some way, even if it's to defer it.

As for salvage I think that the player should not directly benefit from it but perhaps a random selection could be added the market for the player to purchase, though if the mission is a loss then the nation keeps all salvage.

and before geever starts yes it will be a lot of work, but at the same time the current implementation feels like a stopgap.

Offline kurja

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Re: 3 Things to Change Back... (v2.4 suggestion)
« Reply #26 on: May 10, 2012, 04:00:38 pm »
I especially like the insinuation that Geever eventually will begin work on this  ;)

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Re: 3 Things to Change Back... (v2.4 suggestion)
« Reply #27 on: May 10, 2012, 04:02:22 pm »
* headdie facepalms

Offline ShipIt

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Re: 3 Things to Change Back... (v2.4 suggestion)
« Reply #28 on: May 10, 2012, 04:13:50 pm »
* headdie facepalms

What is wrong about using a nice pic for this? Like we did in the old days.  :)

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Re: 3 Things to Change Back... (v2.4 suggestion)
« Reply #29 on: May 10, 2012, 04:17:26 pm »
atm I am putting my time into the Hyperion  :P