Archive > Bugs in older version (2.4)

Reproducable fallback to desktop after finishing a mission

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I was not able to choose this. I cannot do the mission on myself. Always the crash after the debriefing and before the choise what to do with the ufo.

Is it, because an beginning of the mission, most of my soldiers are injured and after the mission - I let them heal each other - they arent? I cannot explain this.

I now uninstalled ufo and try it again with a new installation - I even downloaded it again... hopefully it works.

Nothing changed! =( Can anyone, who played my savegame send me a new savegame after this mission? Thx!

Played on WinXP, saved right after the mission.

do you get an popup that asks you to upload a crashdump to the devs? if yes, please do that. otherwise please check out your current working directory (where you lauch ufoai from) for a crashdump.txt file and attach it here please.

@ShipIt: Thanks alot... now I can play the game without any problems. I can't imagine, what the problem was.

@Mattn: I checked the installation-folder (E:\Program Files (x86)\UFOAI-2.4) and the appdata-folder for the crashdump-file, but did not find anyone. Perhaps, it has been deleted already because everything works correct now?


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