Technical support > Linux

installing 2.4-1?

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no worries:) just checking, il make one myself, tho i dont know where i could upload for ppl to use:)

The PlayDeb website reports that the version for Ubuntu 12.04 should be up to 2.4-1, but when I try to upgrade, it tells me I have the latest version. Why the disparity of information?


--- Quote from: redaxe90 on May 14, 2012, 08:07:30 pm ---The PlayDeb website reports that the version for Ubuntu 12.04 should be up to 2.4-1, but when I try to upgrade, it tells me I have the latest version. Why the disparity of information?

--- End quote ---

upgrading from previous versions not supported, first uninstall completely, then reinstall the latest version from getdeb repos. worked for me.

Thanks, will try that :)

After removing UFO:AI from the software center, I got this error message upon trying to reinstall with the latest version

There isn’t a software package called “ufoai” in your current software sources

Any ideas?


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