Technical support > Mac

2.4 Stable crashes on start up

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SMART PEOPLE out there.
Fiirst, the usual, the game is A f mazing, well done. I love it.

On the possible fix, while researching for possiblities outside the box, I found the reason ( supposedly) it doesn't work on mine.
Its just a command, that works on 10.6 but not on the older versions.

I found this solution, but it requires someone who understands it. I don't.

How to fix a specific OS X dynamic loader problem (dyld - 0×80000022)
The problem: You compile your C code on a OS X 10.6 machine like this:
gcc-4.2 -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk ...

When trying to run the executable on a OS X 10.5 machine, you may get this error:
Dyld Error Message: unknown required load command 0x80000022

The reason is that OS X 10.5 doesn’t understand the load command  'LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY' (0×80000022)
that was used by the OS X 10.6 linker.

Solution: Make sure you are using a deployment target by setting the environment variable just before your link command:
You can always check the load commands of the executable like this:
(without using deployment target)
otool -l binary

Load command 4
cmdsize 48
rebase_off 0
rebase_size 0
bind_off 462848
bind_size 1320
weak_bind_off 0
weak_bind_size 0
lazy_bind_off 464168
lazy_bind_size 2624
export_off 466792
export_size 4568

(using deployment target)
otool -l binary

Load command 4
cmdsize 48
rebase_off 0
rebase_size 0
bind_off 466944
bind_size 1400
weak_bind_off 0
weak_bind_size 0
lazy_bind_off 468344
lazy_bind_size 2656
export_off 471000
export_size 4568

I run 10.6.8 and I'm getting the same crash on startup.

I really don't think it's going to be on mac any more.


--- Quote from: leftishut on July 22, 2012, 11:06:31 pm ---I really don't think it's going to be on mac any more.

--- End quote ---



 A whole release went out without a mac playable version. This one has been out for a bit without one yet. Non mac versions are definitely the priority. It makes sense mac have a smaller market and have never been gaming machines. This game is being taken on at the expense and hard work of developers no doubt hard pressed for time, and the mac version is (from what I have heard) narrowed even further down to one developer. I don't image it's due to a lack of want or will, but a lot of work. But I wouldn't be surprised if mac is finally officially dropped.


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