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Author Topic: 2.5 Dev - differences observed from 2.4 Dev  (Read 10541 times)

Offline ManicMiner

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2.5 Dev - differences observed from 2.4 Dev
« on: April 10, 2012, 03:23:23 pm »

I've been compiling from source and noticed on the last compile it went from 2.4dev to 2.5dev and this resulted in a couple of minor differences between 2.5 and 2.4.

1. Saved game folder seems to have been pointed elsewhere. Not a problem but it is a minor annoyance. Haven't checked if there's a savegame break.
2. The globe - for some reason it just looks way, way better with the nighttime lights and relief on zoom.
3. In Battlescape, if you clicked on the fire button and got the popup showing the attack options you used to be able to "cancel" by right-clicking. Now you can't.
4. The farm texture for the fields now looks totally different. It's easier to read, but looks nothing like any farmland I've ever seen...
5. Getting a much more interesting variety of Battlescape locations.
6. Is it me or are the Tamans a lot more intelligent? I had one rotter lob a plasma grenade out of a first floor window, it bounced off a wall and round a corner and killed two grunts. How the Taman knew they were there is anybody's guess.
7. I've had to really start using the first aid kit throughout a mission instead of waiting till "last alien" and then sending the wounded into a group where they can all heal each other. This is a good thing.

If I see anything else, I'll post it here, but so far so AWESOME!!!

Offline ManicMiner

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Re: 2.5 Dev - differences observed from 2.4 Dev
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2012, 09:41:22 am »
Another quick observation - when I click on a base, it preselects the last view in there (e.g. if I was looking at the hospital, next time I click on that base it goes straight to the hospital). Not sure if this is due to mouse sensitivity or something else.

Offline Styar

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Re: 2.5 Dev - differences observed from 2.4 Dev
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2012, 10:03:04 am »
Man. Your post is out of topic. There is bug revew here, not just description of new version.

Offline Kildor

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Re: 2.5 Dev - differences observed from 2.4 Dev
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2012, 03:20:28 pm »
Well, for me it is a bug.

Offline MCR

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Re: 2.5 Dev - differences observed from 2.4 Dev
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2012, 03:56:15 pm »
Another quick observation - when I click on a base, it preselects the last view in there (e.g. if I was looking at the hospital, next time I click on that base it goes straight to the hospital). Not sure if this is due to mouse sensitivity or something else.
Bug report here:

Offline ManicMiner

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Re: 2.5 Dev - differences observed from 2.4 Dev
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2012, 06:43:45 pm »

Sorry, but it's not out of topic. If this folder's not the right place to discuss observed differences between a very recent build of 2.4 and the subsequent 2.5 build (when compiling from source) then which one is?

Normally I rarely notice changes from one compile to the next but this time I saw several very noticeable changes in gameplay and behaviour, all but two of which have enhanced the gameplay from my POV - one's already a confirmed bug (thanks Kildor/MCR), but it's a bit premature to assert the "can't right-click to cancel the fire weapon popup" observation is a bug.

IMO it's better to report these differences in a thread and see if anyone else has seen them too, and get some feel for whether any of them are "features", "regressions" or "bugs". And, not every bug is a bad bug. I like it that Tamans now lob grenades without blowing themselves up!

Offline ManicMiner

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Re: 2.5 Dev - differences observed from 2.4 Dev
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2012, 01:19:25 am »

I don't know if this is an issue or not, but I'm getting these warnings during compile:

Code: [Select]
Found CUnit/Basic.h
Could not find link.h
Could not find sys/utsname.h
Found bfd.h
Could not find execinfo.h
Found theora/theora.h
Found xvid.h

And GCC crashes occasionally during the compile. (I am using the build tool, running it on W7 Enterprise x64 Edition with full admin rights).

Offline ManicMiner

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Re: 2.5 Dev - differences observed from 2.4 Dev
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2012, 04:05:48 pm »
Couple more observations:

1. I mentioned this earlier but it's beginning to annoy me. On 2.4 Battlescape, if you clicked on a Fire button accidentally you could just right-click to cancel it before selecting a fire mode. Now you have to select a fire mode from the popup (or press ESCAPE), THEN right-click to cancel out of the cross-hair.

2. If you click on a flying UFO alert and then click on the UFO while the map's still zooming in on it, it automatically registers as a click on whichever craft happens to be under the mouse cursor when the box pops up; if you hold the mouse button down you can "drag" onto the craft you actually do want to send out to intercept it. This could be related to the Base view bug mentioned upthread. What is odd is the same doesn't happen when a UFO's crashed and you want to do a mission.

3. Could just be perception, but at the start of the game most landed UFOs are intact, but the more UFO yards you build the fewer intact UFOs there are to capture. By the time I've built a third yard and enough workshops and hangars to support them, landed UFOs account for less than one mission in 20, which does beg the question is there any point building the craft that rely on antimatter if you can't do enough missions to keep them refuelled?