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Language Error

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you are still working on the danish translation? Please have a look here and add your translations to our wiki - we have a program that syncs the wiki with the language files automatically. this way many translators can work on one po file without producing svn conflicts.

Hmm... I can see why that's smart, but also - I like using gTranslate and PoEdit for translations, since they make it a lot easier by presenting me the original strings while I translate. Is that possible somehow with this wiki-translation-thingy?

Basically, this program takes only the strings which are translated on the wiki page and their associated description for ufopedia (all the linked pages containing the description in your language).

It's really useful for the long description for ufopedia, such as combat_armor_txt. In poedit, you'll just see that the text to translate is "combat_armor_txt", but on the wiki you'll have the whole corresponding text.
It also syncs most of the names of the description (such as "Assault Rifle"), intro_sentences and prolog_sentences, and campaign texts.

This program allows us to have only one version of the translation for a given language. Otherwise, you could have a translation on the wiki, and another one in the .po file without noboby noticing it.

Still, there are a lot of strings in the .po file which do not appear on the wiki (all short sentences such as "Transfer equipment or personnel" or "Construction of %s building finished in base %s."). We still have to translate all those lines with poedit.

So you my advice would be :
- First, keep translating with poedit everything except the "*_txt" description, the intro_sentences and prolog_sentences.
- When you'll be done with that, you can translate these longer texts on the wiki page, and we'll put them in the .po file.

Yeah, ok, that seems pretty reasonable. I'll make sure to utilize that.
One thing though - I've been grabbing the latest dev-pot's, should I keep doing that or is there some other pot-file I should be working on instead?

I was thinking that it might be a good idea to have a string-freeze before the 2.0 release, so the translators can be sure there'll be no new strings added in the last minute and also give them a little time to finish up. Say 2 weeks string-freeze maybe?


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