Technical support > Feature Requests

Bleeding wounds

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Well, guess that I could do both, start with a very basic implementation and then add more features as needed.


--- Quote from: DarkRain on April 19, 2012, 08:10:46 pm ---Wait what? Hold on! You want me to create a patch? But... but...

Didn't the last one to make a patch about this just suddenly disappear without trace?


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I don't want to disappear without trace!!!!! :'(



Ok, maybe that was exaggerated.
Hmmm... I need to fix one little problem, and test it some more, and then I might have a patch to show (If I don't disappear in the process :-\)

--- End quote ---

There is only one answer to this. Listen.

Guess what, I haven't disappeared yet (OK, enough of that joke)

After some git problems I present "Very basic bleeding wounds" v1.3, now with more tweaks, more comments and a bugfix:

* Getting shoot in combat can result in getting wounded (just keeps track of the number of wounds for now)
* Wounds will bleed each turn until healed with a medikit (or death, and wounds only exist in battlescape)
* Soldiers with no wounds won't recover HP (you can still use the medikit to reduce stun and increase morale)
* Medikit converted to a 5 ammo oneshot item and its effectivness greatly reduced
* Small icon added to physdat window when soldier has bleeding wounds (but the number of wounds for each soldier is passed to cvars with the rest of their status, if you wanted to show this in the HUD)
* Also includes a fix for bug #3322633 (which affects all oneshot items with ammo -like the stunrod-)
* Because I needed it to make the new medikit (with limited ammo) work in skirmish.Warning: Only tested in 2.5 skirmish and briefly in a mid-game 2.4 campaign (which is where it started) no idea how will this mix with the new 2.5 weapon balance in a campaign game (I'm specially concerned about early game)

Now if I'll continue to add features to this I'd like t ask some questions, which I forget, its getting late, maybe I'll ask tomorrow, in he mean time:

* Phase 1: Basic bleeding wounds [done]

* Wounds that bleed [check]
* Stop medikit overuse [check]
* Making hospitals actually necessary [should]

* Phase 2: Penalties (and localized wounds?) OR Wounds carry to geoscape (and further missions)

* Phase 3: <The one that does not get implemented above>

* Phase 4: Make them scriptable
The idea being that each Phase is fully functional when finished, in case I disappear (OK, seriously enough of that disappearing stuff)

Feedback welcome.

Note: the attached patch was made from three local commits squashed together.

PPE: Ugh, do you know how hard is to type while sleepy? Please excuse any typos, weird grammar, etc

Thats really great news.  :D

great - i've added it to the patch tracker:


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