Technical support > Feature Requests

Bleeding wounds

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In my mind the main flaw of the current system is that after getting a few band-aids, the soldier is "as good as new".
Therefore, in my mind the most straightforward change would be:

treated wounds != healthy

Treated wounds would not be getting worse, but they would still need to be healed in hospital.
And stats would depend on the healthy part.
I think it would do the trick.

I might be willing to specify this kind of wounds (generic wounds, not wounds-by-bodypart which is imho too complicated), with blood pressure bar and without, and post it here for public review and input (I don't believe very much in such kind of spec coming from the top of the head of one person).
That is, if someone is interested in implementing a wounds system and would find such spec useful, either as a spec for implementing generic wounds, or even as just another opinion about the wounds system (= for diversity).
(I might do some battlescape GUI things, but I am definitely not going to dive into the C part of the game)

Well in my personal implementation (yes I just made a simple one) the basic purpose of wounds is to limit medikit usage: only wounded soldiers are actually healed and wounds disappear on treatment or end of battle, but that combined with the above nerfing of the medikit should mean that soldiers have to heal most of the HP lost form all but the lightmost injuries in the hospital, or that's the plan, it probably isn't the best system (and still needs tweaking) but is enough while I wait for the official one.


--- Quote from: DarkRain on April 18, 2012, 09:50:48 pm ---Well in my personal implementation (yes I just made a simple one) the basic purpose of wounds is to limit medikit usage: only wounded soldiers are actually healed and wounds disappear on treatment or end of battle, but that combined with the above nerfing of the medikit should mean that soldiers have to heal most of the HP lost form all but the lightmost injuries in the hospital, or that's the plan, it probably isn't the best system (and still needs tweaking) but is enough while I wait for the official one.

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Where is the patch ?   ??? ;)

You are the one to bring us the first part of "the official one". Congratulations .  8)

Wait what? Hold on! You want me to create a patch? But... but...

Didn't the last one to make a patch about this just suddenly disappear without trace?


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I don't want to disappear without trace!!!!! :'(



Ok, maybe that was exaggerated.
Hmmm... I need to fix one little problem, and test it some more, and then I might have a patch to show (If I don't disappear in the process :-\)


--- Quote from: DarkRain on April 19, 2012, 08:10:46 pm ---Wait what? Hold on! You want me to create a patch? But... but...

--- End quote ---

What about continuing the lost one's?

Ofc. I'm interested in your implementation, just it had more features planned. Well, any patch is welcome!



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