Technical support > Feature Requests


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How difficult would it be to do something where aliens only visible through a wall using goggles shows on the map as a fizzy general area, say a 3-5 (size perhaps dependent on range) circle which the Alien could be anywhere in that space (random off set from 0 to maximum radius).  This way the player gets an idea where enemy aliens are without being able to snipe the alien based just on the IR goggles, obviously the player will then need to commit a soldiers to either spot the alien accurately for the wall penetrating shot or just kill the alien if it is an option.  Basically the IR goggles retain their function in nasty situations but are no longer a "legal" kill cheat.

Wouldn't help much. That's about the inaccuracy of grenades.

but it would hamper shooting through walls and on the grenade front the difference between that area's accuracy and grenade accuracy would be the difference between kill and light/no damage (depending on armour)

Hmm... True. Wouldn't bother flashbangs though, which are what I always throw, presuming I can get it through the bloody door...

Ahem. You're right, it would hamper shooting unless you just spam rounds through the wall.


--- Quote from: hitch-22 on August 12, 2012, 12:17:08 am ---Yeah, overpowered and to some degree fun-breaking, although I do have to say I love how it eliminates scouring every corner for that last alien which can be a total bitch if it happens repeatedly. (Maybe there could be a mission timer of some sort where "the last alien got away" if it was unseen by round 25 in applicable mission types)?

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This is a great idea.  The aliens escaping should be in.  If you can win with a few alien survivors it provides a way for imperfect victories.  I would change it to if no alien is spotted for 5 turns the mission ends, maybe even just 2 turns.  I really hate wandering around the map looking for the last alien!


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