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Author Topic: battlescape improvement  (Read 1862 times)

Offline homunculus

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battlescape improvement
« on: March 22, 2012, 11:35:05 am »
Removal of event duplication from battlescape.

While selecting a soldier, the callback function (i think it was called hudselect) in the battlescape HUD script is called twice.
I mean, this is just an example, the same is for things like deselect crouch (that are called in a loop) and reaction fire callbacks, and probably every single damned event handling callback seems to be called twice, including some firemode related things.
It was a little while back when I did the scripting, so I don't remember some of the specifics, but this duplication wasted a lot of time and effort to make the script work, and eventually caused me to quit, hoping for this issue being solved in the future.
And band-aiding with locking type variables didn't always seem to do the trick, possibly because those things took effect in the next frame.

When thinking of implementing the final improvements to my battlescape HUD mod, this is the main thing that puts me off.
I would be very much surprised if this event duplication is an intended feature.
It would be awesome if this duplication could be fixed.