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Nuclear aircraft

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AFAIK we already have antimatter-powered aircrafts. At least Starchaser and Dragon interceptors are AM-based ones.

I'm back!
And I figured upgrading the nuclear planes to AM would be a stopgap until proper aircraft can be produced.
(sorry for necro)


--- Quote from: geever on March 19, 2012, 06:36:10 am ---What if such an airplane is shot down? It makes the land inhabitable for 100 years?

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Hirisima & Nagasaki is habitable now. No 100 years. Chernobil area can be habitable in most parts too (this is now discussed in Ukraine). And nowadays reactors can be much more safe especially if built with possible crash in mind.

--- Quote from: geever on March 19, 2012, 06:36:10 am ---There are some conflicts in your suggestion also:
* big, heavy vs. fast
* big, fixed winged vs. size of the hangars, and the fact planes must be VTOL capable.

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First thing coming to mind is carrier. Big, but heavily armed carrier with few smaller aircrafts onboard and some supplies. Some kind of mobile interception base, i think many would like such thing in beginning of game for possible coverage of all planet by patrolling. It will be expensive however.


--- Quote from: Nokim on September 08, 2012, 08:47:31 pm ---First thing coming to mind is carrier. Big, but heavily armed carrier with few smaller aircrafts onboard and some supplies. Some kind of mobile interception base, i think many would like such thing in beginning of game for possible coverage of all planet by patrolling. It will be expensive however.

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Airborne aircraft carrier sounds pretty cool. Maybe have each heavy aircraft be a very small base, to ease modification? It can only be modified when docked, though.
And honestly, first thing I thought was a Mobile Maccross Missile Massacre.

 Quick question: Who's gonna pay for all that? Nuclear reactors aren't all that efficient when you try to stick them in aircraft.
Neither of the nuclear bomber programs actually got off the ground using their reactor before they were scrapped and the cruise missile irradiated the shit out of it's path.
 The player would probably have to shove funds and researchers into the project since day one for it to be applicable in time.
Sure, you might get the UN to hand over a few spare carriers if you beg long enough but I think that'd mean you'd have to pay for their crews. And even then, there's the issue of landing an insanely fast, radioactive hunk of metal on one of those.
 Oh, and flying aircraft carriers would probably get a taste of orbital bombardment faster than you can say "Goodness gracious great balls of fire!" There's a reason why all your bases are very immobile and underground. I won't comment on their surface appearance, though.
Most of this, of course, is assuming that the aliens have any sort of sense in that hive brain of theirs.


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