Looks nice, but again a bit too cartoonish for me to get totally cosy with it.
I can deffo buy these here http://ufoai.org/forum/index.php/topic,5278.msg49107.html#msg49107 (are they in game yet?), but the overbulked space marines stuff seen in the previews there are just a bit too over the top for pure joy...
i think it is not so much about the bulkiness as it is about the animation being disney style.
i mean, the exaggerated movement windups of the human units, as if trying to say "i am the mwst awesome pwnsor hero worrier in the universe and i have all the time to show it off and make it perfectly clear to everyone while i prepare to shoot", rather than trying to just shoot quickly and get back to cover as soon as possible.
removal of a few windup frames here and there would imho benefit the general atmosphere of game.
also, the aliens animation is disney style in that sense, the grays resemble
bambi movie.
it should rather be animated as advanced space races (with some dignity) against terrified humans instead, not like some tough guys living out their frustration by shooting in disneyland.
the original game always somewhat resembled the europeans first landing in the americas to me.
that aside, the cover gui looks promising, i mean, it looks neat.
i hope they will show more of how it works at several angles in later videos.
and the perspective switches look nice.
one of the "mysterious" things i have always wondered about, is how a soldier can throw a grenade over a house and aim accurately at the intended spot ("as if") seen from above.
it has made me think that an ufo game should switch to first person perspective for the time of aiming.
they do seem to intend some harder game modes, but i doubt they will ever consider this one.
also, less seriously, all the ufo games have got one thing wrong: the grays are not really gray.
aliens are green, everybody knows that, and gray is their space suit, and their big black eyes are really protective glasses.
humans in space suits might be seen by local aliens as silver cyclops.
otherwise, imagine you would go to another planet, like mars, naked like a nudist.